
Services & Solutions

Industries we serve


BJM & Associates consultants have held contracts with provincial health regions, municipal health agencies, and physician practices to implement quality and process improvement methods to make the patient/client experience better.

These methods can be applied to achieve improvements in infection rates, medical records and pharmaceutical errors, bed turnover, emergency room bottlenecks, supplies and equipment availability, patient satisfaction and more.

BJMA creates and supports a culture of continuous improvement that enables organizations to keep up with the changing demands of today’s healthcare landscape. Lean Six Sigma, the method at the core of our practice, uses a data-driven approach to identify root causes of problems and provides tools to ensure improvements are sustained.

BJMA has had success within several areas of Health Care across Canada, including:

  • Acute care
  • Long Term Care
  • Mental health
  • Cancer care
  • Primary care
  • Public health
  • Tertiary care
  • Procurement


BJMA has a lot of experience in applying Lean concepts to the agriculture industry, reducing waste and cost for growers, suppliers, and manufacturers.

Strategic planning is an organization’s process for defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In order to determine the future direction of any organization, it will be necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue particular courses of action.

BJMA uses the strategic planning activities to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization’s direction in response to a changing environment. This will be a disciplined effort that produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide the agriculture industry, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future

BJMA has had success in several areas within the Canadian agriculture industry, including:

  • Food processing
  • Floriculture
  • Siviculture
  • Horticulture


BJMA has worked with several educational institutions either implementing Lean Six Sigma methodologies, building capacity through training, delivering lectures, or providing Lean educational courses.

Educational institutions face many of the same issues that both private and public businesses across Canada are struggling with: having to do the same or more with the resources they currently have. Possible scenarios often include reduced government funding, competition between universities and colleges, and basic institutional functions.

Educational institutions are continuously looking for ways to improve by increasing learning initiatives, furthering educational research, implementing new programs, and establishing themselves as a preferred choice for potential students. BJMA looks for ways to support and enable staff within this industry to concentrate on what they do best. We help these institutions find their natural creativity to help maximize their finite recourses, both financial and human, with the end goal of assisting organizations to achieve and surpass their goals.

BJMA has had success within several educational institutions across Canada, including:

  • Colleges
  • Universities
  • Trade Schools
  • School Divisions


BJMA has helped a diverse cross section of organizations achieve significantly better performance, quality, resource utilization, and both client and staff satisfaction through the development of sustainable operational performance metrics and performance management systems.

BJMA helps organizations understand their current state and develop a strategic and functional change plan that transforms the organization to its desired future state and achieves their strategic goals. We help predict the risks associated with the disruption of business functions and processes by reviewing performance metrics and by understanding the “Voice of the Customer.”

BJMA is able to create an understanding and develop a strategic plan through engaging leadership within organizations, building capacity through several training programs that we offer which help create sustainability, and the establishment of an infrastructure that fits the organization’s needs as well as builds off their strengths.

BJMA has worked with numerous government agencies within Canada assisting in the creation of successful initiatives. These areas of government include:

  • Municipal government
  • Provincial government
  • Federal government
  • Crown corporations
  • Treasury board crowns


Manufacturers have been using Lean to gain efficiency and a competitive edge on thin margins and a global market. Lean Six Sigma provides a method and techniques that can improve flow and reduce non-value activities to create a system that optimizes the use of resources.

BJMA has over thirty years’ experience designing, developing and implementing Lean programs. Our success lies in our capability for disseminating knowledge, providing a structured mentorship model, and building an infrastructure that will allow for the development of knowledgeable individuals who are capable of practically applying the method within their own environment.
